Scheduling Changes: I have time blocked off in April that was intended for vacation, but is now being held for some unexpected appointments that I will possibly need time off for (don’t worry, I am healthy and well). Please add yourself to the waitlist as I will be opening up more space in April with short notice. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Price Change Notice starting April 6: 30 min $80, 45 min $100, 60 min $120, 75 min $145, 90 min $170

If you are sick, please call or text 250-272-0005 to cancel at any time of day or night. The cancellation fee is waved for illness, but as much notice as possible is always appreciated so your appointment can be filled.

If you cannot find an appointment that works for your schedule, please add yourself to the waitlist.

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Please note, my office is accessible only by stairs. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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Massage Therapy

Please note my treatment room is only accessible by stairs.
As a registered massage therapist, treatment is covered under extended health coverage if the plan includes massage therapy. At this time, I do not direct bill for ICBC, WorkSafe or MSP.

I graduated from Foothills College of Massage Therapy in 2003. Since then I have worked in a variety of clinics, backcountry lodges and spent 6 years traveling with the Canadian Ski Cross team on the World Cup circuit, including the 2010 Olympics.

I find the human body completely fascinating and I am always excited to learn about the latest science on how we, as practitioners, can help aid in the body’s ability to heal and get stronger. I am passionate about injury rehabilitation, athlete development, pre and post natal massage. Patient education is an important part of my treatments, as I believe the more someone understands about their body, the more success they will have in achieving better health and preventing injury.

I have lived in Golden since 2005 and love being a part of this healthy, active community. When I’m not at work I try to spend my time exploring the amazing mountains that surround us hiking, running, biking or skiing. In recent years, I have found a new passion for weight training which has given me a whole new perspective on the importance of cross training, building strength for our regular activities of daily living and maintaining muscle mass for longevity. I also love food, learning how to grow it, and its role in health and wellbeing.

I graduated from Foothills College of Massage Therapy in 2003. Since then I have worked in a vari... Read More

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Located at: #202 - 509 Main Street, Golden
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